Title:2nd Annual After-Holidays Holiday Party
Start Date:01/11/2003
No. Participating Cars:6
No. Participating People:12

There will be a gift and a video for you to watch. Food will be courtesy of Hoggy's.

From I-270 & Rt. 23:
1. South on Rt. 23 to Wilson Bridge Road (first light)
2. Right on Wilson Bridge Road, past shopping center, past business park, past park, past bridge over Rt. 315, (5 lights total)
3. Around bend to the left, turn right on to Rosebank. If you hit Snouffer, you went to far.
4. Go through stop sign to Baumock Burn.
5. Right on Baumock Burn, then 2nd left is McCleary Court.
6. We're at the end of the court. Red brick w/3 car garage. 1221 McCleary Court Call 436-8873 if you get lost.

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Detailed Map